速報APP / 財經 / Leverage Retirement Inc.

Leverage Retirement Inc.



檔案大小:726 KB


版本需求:需要 iOS 11.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Leverage Retirement Inc.(圖1)-速報App

Keep in touch with your retirement portfolio with the FREE Leverage Retirement Mobile app. Available for both iPhones and Android phones, the app provides fast access to your workplace retirement account so you can monitor your investment activity wherever you go.

Tap into Leverage Retirement Mobile for current investment information, including 3D color-coded charts that show balances for each investment as well as cumulative rate of return.

Leverage Retirement Inc.(圖2)-速報App

Other options let you access your transaction history so you can monitor your payroll deposits and other activities. You can also access contact information for our response team in case you have any questions.

Leverage Retirement Inc.(圖3)-速報App

With Leverage Retirement Mobile, your confidential account information is protected from unauthorized access at all times. Each session requires that you sign in with your personal User ID and password—the same way you access your account online.
